(Banned)Oct 26, 2023Liked by Aaron Lee

What is your take on Alastair Crook’s explanation for the actual reason behind Hamas’s initial raid?


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It's tactical analysis, not strategic.

The only people surprised are the people who have never read the Quran or the Haddiths. Islam is a political ideology that espouses the extermination and slavery of non-Muslims.

The Holocaust has two perpetrators: the Europeans, who admitted their guilt and resolved to never discriminate against any religion; and the Muslims, who were merely encouraged and have been persistently trying to genocide the Jews ever since.

The cognitive dissonance here is that Westerners CAN tolerate other religions. Only Judaism went through the Reformation in Europe with the Christians. Buddhism doesn't expand by war. Hinduism can be aggressive, but politically it has minded its own business.

Islam is different. It is an absolutist religion that cannot tolerate the existence of non-Muslim power structures. The continental Europeans with their studies of structuralism are really stupid for not seeing the obvious threat. It is constantly on the attack and is incompatible with Western values, just like Bolshevism and Nazism.

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I’m not sure Islam and Judaism are much different when it comes to treating people of other religions (just to name a few similarities):

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Baba Kamma 37b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Avodah Zarah 26b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Baba Mezia 24a

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Bava Metzia 114b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Gittin 57b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Gittin 58b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Gittin 59b

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 37a

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 57a

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yebamoth 61a

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yevamot 98a

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 105a

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This is even more ridiculous when I read these and saw what extreme stretch you were going to to create a false equivalence. Have you ever read the Quran? The whole book is a rant on murdering non-believers. There is no theology there.

None of these citations exhort murder or rape. They don't call for seizure of political power or forced conversion of non-believers. Why would you see this as even close to an equivalent moral framework?

These citations don't even address the commentary process, which interprets Talmudic opinions. Nor does it address the Jewish reformation (Jews went through a reformation of their own in 19th century Europe after Napoleon's emancipation). This is where conservative and reform Judaism originate. Regardless of codification, we see in the practice of Judaism a pro-social group that has enriched the western world with science, technology, enterprise, and art. Islam contributes violence. You know it. Everyone knows it.

I find the lack of intellectual dishonesty curious, given that you seem to think of yourself as a free-thinker. Free-thinking in service of pre-existing biases? Not very free thinking.

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Alastair Crook is obtuse and foolish and so are you for crediting him. There are many factions in Israel and it has a representative government. That isn't a civil war. Your inability to call things by their names is evidence of dishonest motives.

The PA admits to Jihad (https://palwatch.org/page/34699). Hamas admits to Jihad. This is religious war. You deny this because you have already decided that Jews have some blame because they have been targeted. This is barnyard level intelligence. The chicken must be at fault if the dog is chasing it. I notice you totally evaded the point that Islam has murdered 8532 people so far in 2023, not including political conflicts.

Israel is nationalist. That is the definition of Zionism. Jew haters would like to make Jewish nationalism exceptional. We don't call European nationalism Christian, even with parties like Christian Democrats in Germany. We don't call Arab nationalism Islamic, even with Sharia. Yet Israel with its three branches of government and political enfranchisement of over 2 million Israeli Muslims, this is objectionable and must be named as a noxious theological force. As if this same aspiration didn't exist in Europe and South Asia.

You'd like to present yourself as a broadly read intellectual, and yet your biases reveal your ignorance, as we examine which parts of your knowledge stack are deep (inside Israeli politics) and which are shallow (Basic knowledge of history, Islam, and international relations). The combination reveals someone who purports expertise by fixating on irrelevant tactics at the expense of relevant strategy. In short, you would blame Israel for defending itself against Islamic Jihad.

You have such strong opinions on the matter when you obviously never bothered to research the topic because you already reached a conclusion before you evaluated the data. Cargo-Cult. You imitate the language of rationality, but you can't actually follow its rules. I wrote about this failure here: https://aaronlee.substack.com/p/conspiracy-lobotomy-how-conspiracy

You ignore the 8532 people murdered in the name of Islam this year, because such a body count rebuts any textual citation you want to levy about equivalence. You ignore the over 1400 civilians murdered by Islamic terrorists sponsored by the Palestinian government as an act of war. You want to call terrorism war and self defense terrorism. That is about as morally inverted as you can get.

You attempted to make murder in the name of a religious text equal to unfollowed religious decrees regarding property. We know Islam is as violent as accused because their actions match their words, which they daily affirm.

Your homework is to look up the term 'cargo cult.' Primitives built idols of the airplanes that dropped cargo on their Pacific islands during World War 2. When the war ended, so did the cargo. A religion formed where they worshipped cargo and its patron God 'GI Joe' from America. Even when shown an actual airplane, they refused to believe it was the same thing as their sculptures depicted. They imitated the visual form of the plane, but could not understand its inner workings.

So it is with you: you imitate the visuals of reasoning, but you cannot understand its inner workings. You cannot for example, apply modus ponens to your own arguments, unless someone actually points out that you aren't doing it. The logical contradictions inside your own posts, are frankly, embarrassing to look at.

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It's false equivalence. There are zero Jewish terrorist attacks. This shows there is a hermeneutic process that disallows for strict textualism.

Meanwhile, here is the list of Islamic attacks for 2023: https://thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=2023

For 2023, the Islamic murder count is 8532. By Islamic murder count, we are only including those attackers whose stated aims were religious.

If you decide that Israel defending itself counts as 'body count' then you have to include all war as 'religious body count' in which case Islam looks even worse. And Christians wind up looking rather bloody by that criteria as well.

Your post belies a Jew hatred, demonstrative of extreme intellectual dishonesty. An unevenly applied standard is no standard at all.

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